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The value of Holistic Assessment: Integration trumps Fragmentation

The value of Holistic Assessment: Integration trumps Fragmentation

Personality and psychometric assessments have been part of screening and shortlisting routines for many years now, and these days a test exists to suit any budget and financial constraint. Freebies are going the rounds online with enticing promises of validity and...

Taking the Slog out of High Volume Recruitment

Taking the Slog out of High Volume Recruitment

Recruiters spend an average of six seconds scanning a CV to determine if they want to consider an applicant or not, but even the best #recruiters will miss great candidates. Is #AI the key to #modernising the #recruiting process and lessening unconscious...

A bad hiring decision costs an SME far more!

A bad hiring decision costs an SME far more!

A rockstar CV filled with bells and whistles of achievements and accolades... Tick Reasonable salary expectations that are fitting into the constrained budget... Tick Glowing references and recommendation letters...Tick Experience perfectly aligned with the job......

ASSESSING INTEGRITY Trust your gut, but verify with science

ASSESSING INTEGRITY Trust your gut, but verify with science

Measuring honesty is beneficial in many ways. Companies perceived as bastions of integrity are seen as more credible to investors, clients and employees. Credibility generates trust, productivity, sales, market share and promotional opportunities, all of these being catalysts to maximising profit and establishing a stellar employer brand.

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